Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week Six

must confess was not as thrilled with this weeks tools as my inner grumpy old librarian kicked in hisssing and ranting in my ear that tagging is just not cataloging far and true. So...
#13 Tagging- inner librarian muttered that one needs a thesaurus with subject headings and marc fields in order to obtain categorisation. I did agree with a point made at some stage about the usefulness of the tools to view how people actually think about linking sites etc.
#14 Technorati- Useful if you wanted you blog to be seen
#15 Web 2.0- Very interesting ideas all round, I definitely agree with the whole idea of using these tools to see how people actually use tools etc and designing things around what people actually rather than trying to teach people to use something a particular way which may not necessarily come as naturally.

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